개발자를 위한 API입니다.
랩업 API 개발 가이드는 수시로 업데이트 됩니다. 사전 예고없이 업데이트 될 수 있으니 지속적으로 확인해 주시길 부탁드립니다.
코드 | 설명 |
200 | Function successfully executed. |
400 | Invalid API location. Check the URL that you are using. |
403 | Invalid or missing API key. Check that your API key is present and matches your assigned key. |
405 | Invalid HTTP method. Check that the method (POST / GET) |
412 | Request failed. Check the response body for a more detailed description. |
500 | Internal server error. Try again at a later time. |
503 | Rate limit hit. API requests are limited to an average of 1/s. Try your request again later. |
인증이 필요한 API 요청의 경우 API-Key : 발급키
HTTP 헤더를 보내야합니다. 이를 수행하는 방법에 대한 자세한 정보는 아래의 각 항목의 cURL 예제를 참조하십시오.
curl -X GET -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: API-Key=발급키' https://api.wrapupapp.com/v1/my/apicount
{ "data": { "api_limit_count": 1000, "api_remaining_cnt": 700, "api_used_count": 300 }, "status": { "code": 200, "success": true, "message": "success" } }
curl -X GET -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: API-Key=발급키' https://api.wrapupapp.com/v1/company/list
{ "data": { "company": [ { "company_name": "주식회사 랩업", "company_code": "62ce953400000111", "theme": "T0", "theme_color": "#2000a8", "menu_style": "B", "reg_dt": "2020-11-16 10:48:10.0", "lastup_dt": null }, { "company_name": "한국디지털인증", "company_code": "c3c6eaaf00000000", "theme": "T0", "theme_color": "#2000a8", "menu_style": "B", "reg_dt": "2020-09-02 13:19:25.0", "lastup_dt": "2020-12-01 17:45:26.0" } ] }, "status": { "code": 200, "success": true, "message": "success" } }
curl -X GET -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: API-Key=발급키' https://api.wrapupapp.com/v1/group/list?company_code=회사코드
{ "data": { "company": { "company_name": "한국디지털인증", "company_code": "c3c6eaaf00000000", "theme": "T0", "theme_color": "#2000a8", "menu_style": "B", "reg_dt": "2020-09-02 13:19:25.0", "lastup_dt": "2020-12-01 17:45:26.0" }, "group": [ { "group_code": "ge2bb22252000001", "groupname": "영업 1팀"", "in_time": "09:00:00", "out_time": "18:00:00", "inout_display_yn": "Y", "multi_check_yn": "N", "nextday_yn": "N", "beacon_yn": "N", "gps_yn": "N", "timegmt_yn": "N", "timegmt": "9", "reg_dt": "2019-010-29 16:02:42.0" }, { "group_code": "ge2bb22252000000", "groupname": "생산 1팀", "in_time": "09:00:00", "out_time": "18:00:00", "inout_display_yn": "Y", "multi_check_yn": "Y", "nextday_yn": "N", "beacon_yn": "Y", "gps_yn": "Y", "timegmt_yn": "N", "timegmt": "9", "reg_dt": "2019-09-23 10:56:56.0" } ], }, "status": { "code": 200, "success": true, "message": "success" } }
curl -X POST -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: API-Key=발급키' https://api.wrapupapp.com/v1/member/add?group_code=그룹코드&username=demo1&fullname=홍길동&phone=01012345678
{ "status": { "code": 200, "success": true, "message": "success" } }
curl -X POST -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: API-Key=발급키' https://api.wrapupapp.com/v1/member/update?before_username=demo1&before_phone=01012345678&username=new_demo&fullname=new데모&phone=01012345699
{ "status": { "code": 200, "success": true, "message": "success" } }
curl -X POST -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: API-Key=발급키' https://api.wrapupapp.com/v1/member/delete?username=demo1&phone=0101234567
{ "status": { "code": 200, "success": true, "message": "success" } }
curl -X GET -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: API-Key=발급키' https://api.wrapupapp.com/v1/member/list?group_code=그룹코드
{ "data": { "company": { "company_name": "한국디지털인증", "company_code": "c3c6eaaf00000000", "theme": "T0", "theme_color": "#2000a8", "menu_style": "B", "reg_dt": "2020-09-02 13:19:25.0", "lastup_dt": "2020-12-01 17:45:26.0" }, "group": { "group_code": "ge2bb22252000001", "groupname": "영업 1팀"", "in_time": "09:00:00", "out_time": "18:00:00", "inout_display_yn": "Y", "multi_check_yn": "N", "nextday_yn": "N", "beacon_yn": "N", "gps_yn": "N", "timegmt_yn": "N", "timegmt": "9", "reg_dt": "2019-010-29 16:02:42.0" }, "member": [ { "auth_token": "188405b41b8000025eeeb4ba62200000", "username": "demo1", "team": "개발팀", "job_position": "대리", "fullname": "홍길동", "phone": "01012345678", "device_token": "n5LbQSGTh3Q:APA91bGAjyEBt7O9rfDlw546VV7D2o7siR8Pfaeg1gqevgqwr2343eg2wf23ewf2ef2", "device_type": "A", "reg_dt": null, "lastup_dt": "2019-10-01 18:41:03.0", "last_access_dt": "2019-12-09 14:34:44.0" }, { "auth_token": "288405b41b8000025eeeb4ba62200000", "username": "demo2", "team": "관리팀", "job_position": "사원", "fullname": "이순신", "phone": "01022223333", "device_token": "v5LbQSGTh3Q:APA91bGAjyEBt7O9rfDlw546VV7D2o7siR8Pfaeg1gqevgqwr2343eg2wf23ewf2ef2", "device_type": "A", "reg_dt": null, "lastup_dt": "2019-10-02 15:49:28.0", "last_access_dt": "2019-11-09 13:23:12.0" } ], }, "status": { "code": 200, "success": true, "message": "success" } }
curl -X GET -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: API-Key=발급키' https://api.wrapupapp.com/v1/inout?group_code=그룹코드
{ "data": { "company": { "company_name": "한국디지털인증", "company_code": "c3c6eaaf00000000", "theme": "T0", "theme_color": "#2000a8", "menu_style": "B", "reg_dt": "2020-09-02 13:19:25.0", "lastup_dt": "2020-12-01 17:45:26.0" }, "group": { "group_code": "ge2bb22252000001", "groupname": "영업 1팀"", "in_time": "09:00:00", "out_time": "18:00:00", "inout_display_yn": "Y", "multi_check_yn": "N", "nextday_yn": "N", "beacon_yn": "N", "gps_yn": "N", "timegmt_yn": "N", "timegmt": "9", "reg_dt": "2019-010-29 16:02:42.0" }, "inout": [ { "check_type": "I", "check_date": "2019-10-01 08:55:56.0", "check_ko_date": "2019-10-01 08:55:56.0", "timegmt": "9", "check_beacon_info": "[ { "location":"한국디지털인증 정문", "distance":2.64 } ]", "check_gps_info": "[ { "provider":"network", "longitude":126.9234502, "latitude":37.5569694, "altitude":64.0999984741211, "gps_name":"한국디지털인증", "distance":"15" } ]", "username": "demo1", "fullname": "홍길동" }, { "check_type": "O", "check_date": "2019-10-01 18:00:38.0", "check_ko_date": "2019-10-01 18:00:38.0", "timegmt": "9", "check_beacon_info": "[ { "location":"한국디지털인증 정문", "distance":3.23 } ]", "check_gps_info": "[ { "provider":"network", "longitude":126.9234502, "latitude":37.5569694, "altitude":64.0999984741211, "gps_name":"한국디지털인증", "distance":"15" } ]", "username": "demo1", "fullname": "홍길동" } ], }, "status": { "code": 200, "success": true, "message": "success" } }
curl -X POST -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: API-Key=발급키' -d 'group_code=그룹코드&username=아이디1,아이디2,아이디3...&title=제목&message=메시지' https://api.wrapupapp.com/v1/push
{ "status": { "code": 200, "success": true, "message": "success" } }